Posted by: ENB Australia | July 11, 2022

Sapiosexuality means attraction towards highly intelligent people, or someone with similar interests. In broader terms, LGBTQ and heterosexuals are said to follow Sapiosexuality. The approach allows both partners to enjoy each other’s bond. A majority of independent personalities straddle between two categories orientation and fetish. The usage of this sexual preference depends on the intention.
People with similar desires, fetish and orientation often find themselves engaged in Sapiosexuality. These couples enjoy physical foreplay and emotional bonding for developing a strong connection. In this type of relationship both partners work together in satisfying inner desires. Fulfilling the priority sexual needs remains first preference.
SapioSexual Questionnaire (SapioQ) is a survey created by Australian researchers to test people sexual attraction towards intelligence. An IQ score above 120 makes the individual perfect for beginning SapioSexual relationship. Several independent singles find equally matching partners at Canberra escorts. The trusted adult dating clubs feature models based on their orientation and sexual preferences. For meeting varied client requests, the online model catalogues list LGBTQ singles of different nationality. A person with fetish interest in Asian or Russian heterosexual experience can easily receive desired partner for private session. It only takes $75 to begin with simple intelligence or fetish sharing session.
Falling in love with someone equally interested in performing dream foreplay is not a big deal. Starting a Sapiosexual relation is easy, if the right path is selected. The notable Australia based adult clubs are best for meeting stranger models in private. A high percentage of singles and separated men/women visit the in-call adult service clubs for desired girlfriend experience. Even Trans girls and Lesbians remain open to serve all mature clients.
Different people have different ideologies about Sapiosexuality. In today’s fast paced world where the homosexuals are equally respected as other sexual preferences, it’s ideal to trust adult clubs for hiring paid lover for some private fun. Loving same gender or extraordinary group romance is all part of Sapio culture. People supporting the sweet orientation of love and trust will always keep moving in life to spread peace.